01 November 2009

2 months

Hi World...Today was First of November year Two Thousand and 9...

Just to mentioned we have two more months toward YEAR 2010. Sound like we just next to it.

But anyway, seen we just left two months time of year 2009, we just do something special for it.

Do yours did something special in this 2009?If yours not yet have a wonderful memory's of 2009 or maybe yours yet to be done it. Yours have to be hurry up. 

I got more and more special memory's in this year. I got a lot of changes ,a lot good news to make me happy but sure I got a lot of BAD news to make me sad,hurt...bla bla... what else?A lot of thing i been collected, a lots of money I been spent, I knew a lots of new friends (all of them was so nicer to me and I'm very happy to meet'cha,appreciated)

I don't know what else would going to let me remember about year 2009. But I hope in this two months can bring me more good memory's. I SAY GOOD and I want everything is GOOD as well.

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