25 December 2009

Merry X'mas TesSeaN

25/12/2009 12:42 AM,
Yeaa...It's Christmas.
Erm...so...Firstly, I want to formally wishing ya'll Merry Christmas.
I believed that ya'll have already figured out the plan to dating or celebrating 
with all ya'll dearest or lover...buddy....friends...family etc.
And don't forget to make a wish,
maybe erm.. Santa Claus will make your wish come true.

And how about to talk something about myself in this X'mas.
Nothing special...no turkey, no wine, no fire works....and erm...no companion as well.
Passed through  with my laptop.Blogging, watching movie....blaaa
aikzzz...It's boring and lonely. 
But it's doesn't matter, I believed next year will be a brand new year for me.
Which is no loneliness, no sadness, no illness, and no boringness.

Assure that I also have a wish for this Christmas.
And I hope it will be come true in some others day.
once again I am wishing all of My Boys and My Girls Meryy Christmas
and Merry Christmas to myself. YeaH =)

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